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Here are some examples demonstrating the use of the analyze function from the SymbolicAnalysis package.

Basic Expression Analysis

using SymbolicAnalysis, Symbolics, Symbolics.DomainSets

@variables x
ex1 = exp(x) - log(x)
result = analyze(ex1)
@show result.curvature

This example analyzes a simple expression exp(x) - log(x), determining that it's convex and can have any sign.

Analysis on Manifolds

We can perform DGCP analysis on the Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) manifold by passing a manifold from Manifolds.jl to the analyze function. We consider the Karcher mean problem which involves finding the geometric mean of SPD matrices:

using SymbolicAnalysis, Symbolics, Manifolds, LinearAlgebra

@variables X[1:5, 1:5]

M = SymmetricPositiveDefinite(5)

As = [rand(5, 5) for i in 1:5]
As = [As[i] * As[i]' for i in 1:5]  # Make them SPD

ex2 = sum(Manifolds.distance(M, As[i], X)^2 for i in 1:5)
result = analyze(ex2, M)
@show result.curvature
@show result.gcurvature

This analysis shows that the Karcher mean objective function is geodesically convex on the SPD manifold.

Domain aware analysis

We can also assert the domain of the variable by assigning VarDomain metadata that takes a Domain from the DomainSets.jl package.

@variables x y

x = setmetadata(

y = setmetadata(

ex = SymbolicAnalysis.quad_over_lin(x - y, 1 - max(x, y))
result = analyze(ex)
@show result.curvature

This example analyzes a quadratic expression over a linear expression, showing that it's convex.