Posts by Collection


Accelerated Predictive Healthcare Analytics with Pumas, a High-Performance Pharmaceutical Modeling and Simulation Platform

Published in BioRxiv, 2020

This paper presents Pumas, a high-performance platform for predictive healthcare analytics.

Recommended citation: Rackauckas, C., Ma, Y., Noack, A., Dixit, V., Mogensen, P. K., Byrne, S., ... & others. (2020). "Accelerated Predictive Healthcare Analytics with Pumas, a High-Performance Pharmaceutical Modeling and Simulation Platform." BioRxiv.

Efficient Precision Dosing Under Estimated Uncertainties via Koopman Expectations of Bayesian Posteriors with Pumas

Published in BioRxiv, 2021

This paper presents efficient precision dosing under estimated uncertainties using Koopman expectations of Bayesian posteriors with Pumas.

Recommended citation: Rackauckas, C., Dixit, V., Gerlach, A. R., & Ivaturi, V. (2021). "Efficient Precision Dosing Under Estimated Uncertainties via Koopman Expectations of Bayesian Posteriors with Pumas." BioRxiv.

A Comparison of Automatic Differentiation and Continuous Sensitivity Analysis for Derivatives of Differential Equation Solutions

Published in 2021 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 2021

This paper compares automatic differentiation and continuous sensitivity analysis for derivatives of differential equation solutions.

Recommended citation: Ma, Y., Dixit, V., Innes, M. J., Guo, X., & Rackauckas, C. (2021). "A Comparison of Automatic Differentiation and Continuous Sensitivity Analysis for Derivatives of Differential Equation Solutions." 2021 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC).